Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for DJUN @97Notes unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Saturday 02-Mar-2024. Ticket sales ended at Sunday 03-Mar-2024 02:30.


Djun huwa grupp Malti ta’ ħames mużiċisti li jikkreaw ħsejjes imsejsa fuq it-taħlita ta’ lirika poetika ma ideat pop avventurużi. Il-grupp ġie ffurmat fl-2017, u fl-2019, ħarġu l-ewwel album tagħhom ‘Il-Ħlas’, ġabra ta’ kanzunetti li jiffokaw fuq it-temi tal-finitudni u t-tmiem. Wara Il-Ħlas, il-grupp baqa attiv fix-xena lokali permezz ta’ numru ta’ kunċerti, kif ukoll it-tnedija online ta’ “Ħdejk”, kanzunetta li ispirat numru kbir ta’ reinterpretazzjonijiet minn diversi artisti. Dan ġie segwit mit-tnedija f’Novembru 2021 ta’ “Kometi”, EP ta’ erba kanzunetti li jesplora t-tlugħ u l-inżul tal-imħabba u r-relazzjonijiet. Il-Grupp jinsab f’fażijiet ġodda ta’ esplorazzjoni tal-ħoss tiegħu bil-mira li jipproduċi u jniehdi iktar materjal ġdid għall-aħħar tal-2024.


Djun is a Maltese group of five musicians creating sounds that are based on the intertwining of poetic lyrics and adventurous pop ideas. The group was formed in 2017, and in 2019, released their first album ‘Il-Ħlas’, a collection of tunes focusing on the themes of finitude and passing. After ‘Il-Ħlas’, the group stayed active in the local scene performing at a number of concerts together with the online release of ‘Ħdejk’, a song that inspired a large number of re-interpretations from several artists. This was followed with the release of ‘Kometi’ in November 2023, an EP of four songs exploring the ups and downs of love and relationships. The group is in a new phase of sound exploration with planned productions and releases at the end of 2024.